What is tension anyway?
How do you define tension? Is it muscles that feel tight and sore? Is it the way stress affects our bodies on a physical level? How about the emotional level? Stuck in endless traffic, having deadlines at work, getting home and feeling pretty exhausted yet still needing to cook supper and get the kids to sports--these are just some of the stresses in our everyday life. My sister-in-law once told me that she had to drive her 4 kids to sports on a daily basis and she would be driving around highways trying to remember who got picked up next and where she was supposed to go--with that brain fatigue that hits us when we're stressed out. And what about feeling supported spiritually with all the tension going on in and around us? Do I need to say that as a massage and bodywork therapist, I use Tension Release more than any other oil. I actually combine this blend with Strength, which is a blend that really works well to bring balance into the body, mind and spirit, combining physical with energy balancing. If you haven't tried it, please do so. You'll love it.