Diluted blends are diluted to 10% with fractionated coconut oil. Formerly called "ready to use".
For topical relief for muscle and joint aches and pain, inflammation, or trauma to tissues.
Indications and uses:
- strong relief for chronic or acute aches and pain
- bruising or trauma to tissues
- inflammation and swelling
- analgesic
- anti inflammatory
- anti-rheumatic
Ingredients: Lavender, Peppermint, Birch, Clove, Ginger, Lemongrass, Helichrysum
Caution: This blend contains Birch, which contain Salicylates (aspirin). This blend may interact with blood thinning medications if used regularly.
Tips for use: Targeted for topical use, use in massage oil (3%) for all over massage, diluted blend (10%) for smaller targeted areas. Can add diluted blends to bath, use 15 drops of diluted blend. Can be combined with 1 cup Epsom salts or Pink Himalayan salts.
If you are seeking detailed information about how to use this product, or have personal health related questions about essential oils, please schedule a consultation with our CLINICAL AROMATHERAPIST