Latin Name: Cinnamomom zeylanicum
Country of Origin: Madagascar
Aroma: Sweet, spicy, warm, candy like
Extraction Method: Steam distilled
Plant Part: Leaf.
Energetics: Stimulating, warming, drying.
Safety: Known dermal irritant. Maximum topical use dilution is .06% Do not use while pregnant or nursing on children under 6. Caution with oral uses.
Actions supported by clinical studies: Antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, antioxidant, carminative, insecticide (Battaglia)
Leading / Common Uses: Antimicrobial: Helpful in cleansing the skin. Digestive system: Stimulating to secretions of gastric juices, loss of appetite, intestinal cleansing. Musculoskeletal: Used topically to help warm and invigorate if experiencing chills, as a tonic for those who are devitalized or weak.
If you are seeking detailed information about the benefits and uses, or personal health related questions about essential oils please schedule a consultation with our CLINICAL AROMATHERAPIST
Disclaimer: All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only as a courtesy to our customers. This information is not intended to treat or cure any disease or illness or replace medical advice. You are responsible for understanding the safe application of these products.